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December 5, 2015

50 Plus Hair Hacks You MUST Know About!

50 Plus Hair Hacks You MUST Know About, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Great looking hair is one thing as women we are always trying to achieve, right ladies?  But what can we do to pull this off everyday? Well, fret no more beauties as I’m here to share my top 50 plus hair hacks you MUST know about! And I must admit, they’re hairtastic!

10 Tips To Prevent Your Hair From Being Used & Abused

Ways To Prevent Your Hair From Being Used & Abused, by Barbie's Beauty Bits

Hair today gone tomorrow is unfortunately possible, don't let this happen to you, because if you don’t take care of your hair today, IT CAN be gone tomorrow.

4 Ways To Repair And Restore Damaged Hair.  

Ways To Repair And Restore Damaged Hair with Karatin by barbies beauty bits

From perms in the 80’s to an ombre style most recently, my hair has been through a lot.  My secret has always been to use great products to repair, restore and maintain healthy hair!  But what happens if that is not your truth, but instead your color treatments, hair dryer and curling irons have left your hair drab and lifeless?  Well, know worries as now you can have the hair all envy!

Reverse Hair Washing.

Reverse Hair Washing, by Barbie's Beauty Bits

Have we been washing our hair wrong all along? Find out if reverse hair washing can work for you!

7 Tips To Make Your Hair Appear Thicker.

how to make your hair thicker by Barbie's Beauty Bits

As we get older the appearance of our hair changes.  It gets dryer, turns grays and worse, thinner. On average, we lose about 50-100 hairs daily, seems like a lot doesn't it?  However, if this is happening while we are growing the hair back it's OK.  But, what if you aren't? Especially, if you are a female thinning hair can be devastating, but not anymore!  Check out these tips to help your hair appear thicker or even become thicker over time.

No More Oily Hair!  

 oily hair tips by barbies beauty bits

 Here are 4 ways to help you to Stop Stressing Over Oily Hair.

Tips To Selecting The Perfect Hair Color & Maintaining It.

how to pick the perfect hair color for your skin tone by barbies beauty bits

Whether your want to change up your look by adding some highlights, sombre or even changing your color completely, you need to have a hair checklist!  So, if you want to find out how to pick the perfect hair color & maintain it, continue reading!

The Foolproof Way To Curl Your Hair: Lights, Curl, Action! 

tips to curl your hair by barbies beauty bits

No more worries, as there is now a foolproof way to curl your hair and you don't have to be a pro to do it!

Top 10 Reasons Why Ceramic Brushes Are The Best For Your Hair.

how to use a ceramic brush by barbies beauty bits

One of the most popular hair brushes out there is the Ceramic Barrel Brush.  This brush is a one stop shop! Why do I say this? Because the brush retains heat, helping to dry your hair, while curling at the same time and much more…

So there you have it beauties! 50 Plus Hair Hacks You MUST Know About! And remember...
Hair quotes...Life is too short to have dull boring hair, by barbies beauty bits
Hacks style=

February 11, 2015

Reverse Hair Washing...Have We Been Washing Our Hair Wrong?

The Reverse Hair Washing By Award Winning Beauty Blogger Barbie's Beauty Bits

In the midst of searching for some hot new hair looks, I ran across a headline in Glamour Magazine, which read “Reverse Hair Washing.”  And I was like, what the?  Well, being the want to know all about beauty, I did some further investigation.  Including speaking to Barbie's Beauty Bits go to beauty friends, and here is what I found out…

The Reverse Hair Washing Method

The premise behind reverse hair washing is to help reduce the residue that remains in your hair from the conditioner.  Going about it the “normal” way so to speak, when you wash with shampoo first and then use conditioner, most people end up not completely rinsing out the conditioner.   When this happens, you end up weighing the hair down, which in some cases can cause your hair to become lifeless, flat or, have no volume.  Reversing gives you all the benefits of a great conditioner, minus the residue, leaving you with locks of volume and bounce!

Reverse hair washing method by award winning beauty blogger barbies beauty bits

So how do you do this?
  • You want to make sure that you get your hair thoroughly wet.
  • Disperse the conditioner throughout your hair.
  • Keep it in your hair for a few minutes. So, I recommend doing this in the shower, when you can go and shave your legs, etc.
  • After about 5 minutes, you want to apply the shampoo, WITH THE CONDITIONER STILL in your hair.  The shampoo is what helps to remove the conditioner.
  • Wash and rinse as normal.

IMPORTANT Tips: If you have a lot of product in your dirty hair, it will seem to be a daunting ordeal at first.  This is what I learned.
  1. You must brush your hair before washing it.  Doing this will loosen any hair product(s) you have in your hair, along with helping to detangle.  It will also allow you to work in the conditioner more easily!
  2. You must make sure your hair is very wet.
  3. Use a great conditioner; you get what you pay for when it comes to conditioner. So if you want cheap looking hair, use cheap conditioner.  Otherwise, I recommend a higher-end product. (Sorry but this is one of those products you get what you pay for)
  4. The conditioner needs to stay on the hair for at least 5 minutes. A quick in and out won’t do the job.
pros and cons of reverse hair washing by top beauty blogger barbies beauty bits
Drying.  If you notice, most salons don’t towel dry your hair.  There is a reason for this.   Towels will make your hair frizzy.  I suggest a cotton t-shirt to absorb some of the moisture first.

How Often: Considering I'm new to this, I don't think this is something that you implement every time you wash your hair.  Instead, you want to apply as a Sunday hair wash, as conditioning your hair after shampooing does have some significant benefits IF YOU USE IT THE CORRECT WAY!

So there, hair you have it!

I have only tried this twice. Therefore, I am not making any claims about whether this is a good idea. But I  like to know has anyone else inserted reverse hair washing into your hair routine? It is just a fad, or do you do it all the time? Does it work long term?

UPDATE: Since I've put up this post, with the idea of wondering, "does this premise work,"  I have received some great feedback on both sides, so thank you.  The bottom line, to say this is something you should be doing all the time, is not a good idea as I mentioned when I first tried this method myself.   For the best hair results, you need to use professional quality products the way they instruct. Doing so is going to make your hair healthier and more manageable, and depending on the brand can eliminate the build-up issue. (which is the premise behind the reverse hair washing, to remove the build-up)

PER SOME stylists who have messaged me: "The purpose of shampoo is to eliminate dirt and oil from the hair. The purpose of a conditioner is to add moisture in and any benefits depending on the type of conditioner you use. If your hair is weighing down, you need to use a clarifying shampoo once every two weeks (see the Sunday shampoo below for this). And if you don't use products on your hair and it still weighs down, you're not spending enough time rinsing the conditioner out. I recommend using professional products and NOT from Walmart or Target. They do not carry the same kind of "professional products." You get what you pay for as we say. If you want healthy hair, you've got to take care of it, and it starts with using the correct products."

What is the reverse hair washing method, by top beauty blogger Barbies Beauty Bits


February 15, 2014

Hair Tips You Need To Read

Hair Tips You Need To Read By Barbies' Beauty Bits.

Locks of beauty is what a lot of us spend our money on! But all that money can go to waste,  if we are not properly caring for our hair.  So, here are 5 hair tips,  that you need to hear about!

  1. Color Treated Hair: 2-3 days prior to your hair coloring appointment, treat your hair with a deep conditioner.  By doing so,  you will allow the color to really be absorbed.
  2. Drying Your Hair: Always wonder why at a salon, they don’t towel dry your hair? Well, it’s because it can cause friction, which can cause your hair to frizz.  If you are at home, try using a white cotton shirt or a paper towel to help absorb the water.  There is minimal friction if you use one of these.
  3. Dry Shampoo: This item is a must have in my hair arsenal! Not only does it absorb the oil in your hair, it also gives your hair extra volume and lift.  I always apply dry shampoo to my hair in the beginning, when it is clean, at the roots.  Why wait till it’s dirty, this too gives you a few more days of hair.   Another use of dry shampoo, apply it to a bobby pin prior to your up-do, it will give it a better grip! 
  4. Temperature of Styling Tools: What temperature should you set your hot style tools is always a common question I get.    I recommend medium heat,  as setting it low can affect your hair if you have to go over it a bunch of times.  The same with too high, keep in mid-range to be safe!
  5. Setting Your Hair: Last but not least… To make your hair stay, you want to set it with your hair dryer on cool air.  One thing I always remember from my hair stylist is,  heat to style and cool to set! 

 So there you have it! Some tips you needed to hear hair about!

July 10, 2013

10 Tips To Prevent Your Hair From Being Used & Abused

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

Top beauty tips on preventing your hair from being damaged by barbies beauty bits

In one of my recent posts, I talked about how to control the oil in your hair as well as some other tips to healthy hair.  Well, today I have another one for you.  If you have not seen this video that is on the web about this girl burning her hair you have to see it (CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO). Devastating, to say the least, which prompted this post;  hair today, gone tomorrow! Because if you don’t take care of your hair today, it can be gone tomorrow.

The Heat Wave; and I’m not talking about the weather here but rather styling tools for your hair.   I understand the importance of having great looking hair, and I know how hard it is to keep away from using these.  So instead, I’m going to give you my top 10 tricks to help reduce some of the exposure your hair can have to these tools.

Don't overheat your hair by Barbie's Beauty Bits

BB Bit 1: Air dry your hair instead of blow drying it; your hair will be much stronger if you do this. Blow drying your hair and then immediately using a flat/curling iron can cause your hair to become damaged.   According to my hair stylist, drying your hair before using a flat iron will make your hair look dull as the heat from the dryer causes the cuticles to open.  Not enough time? Then, I suggest washing your hair at night and letting it air dry.  If that is not an option, you can allow your hair to air dry while you're putting on your makeup and getting dressed.

BB Bit 2:  Protector… Make sure if you are using any heated device, that you also apply a heat protector on your hair. In addition to a thermal protector, you should invest in a UV protector along with some Moroccan or argon oils or a trendy hat (there are plenty that we keep you looking chic)

BB Bit 3:  Unlike the girl in the video I mentioned above, do not leave the device on your hair for an extended period of time. It is not necessary. You should keep it on about 1 second per inch of hair while moving down the hair.

BB Bit 4: You get what you pay for, meaning it does pay to get a high-quality styling tools; some are better for your hair than others.

BB Bit 5: Hair trends today give us many of the options for a beach wave or partially curled hair.  For instance, you can braid your hair for a wave; try the sock bun method or even some soft non-heated rollers

Ways to curl your hair without heat by Barbie's Beauty Bits

BB Bit 6: Don’t wash your hair every day.  In my recent post, I talked about the reasons for this, but today I have another reason for not washing; if you don’t wash it every day, you don’t have to expose it every day to these styling tools and products.  So what do I mean?  If you style your hair say on a Monday and have taken the correct steps mentioned here and in this post, you can have that style last for days with only minimal touch-ups.

BB Bit 7:  Dry shampoos are the best.  They give your hair an extra day, sometimes two depending on how you take care of your hair.  

BB Bit 8:  Sleep with your hair up, by doing so you will prevent your hair from getting dirty. Dirt can be picked up from your face and bedding, so keeping it away from these can give you a few more days of hair not having to be exposed to a hair dryer.

BB Bit 9: Avoid using too much conditioner as it can weigh your hair down.  This can cause you to have to wash it quicker or try to compensate with another hair product or hot rollers.  Sulfate-free conditioners work best.

BB Bit 10: Never flat iron your hair while it is wet.  Your flat iron is HOT, some up to 400 degrees. 

Tips for flat ironing your hair by barbies beauty bits

So hair, there you go, my top 10 BB Bits to alleviate your hair from being abused and products being over used.


March 12, 2013

No More Oily Hair


So while I was at the salon today, I had an unique conversation with my stylist on how often I wash my hair a week.  Being beauty obsessed, I knew that it is not a good idea to wash your hair a lot.  My stylist has always told me to go as long as you can.  But today she informed me that I could add one more day to my regimen, but why?  Because we can train our hair to be oily, on the same token to be less oily. What???


So this sparked today’s tip:  How To Stop Stressing Over Oily Hair. With the first BB Bit, being: Don’t overdo shampoo.  Although washing your hair can appear to be clean it actually can harm your hair, especially if you are one of those that think you have to wash your hair every day.  As the truth stands, cleaning it every day makes it more oily.  And this is why.  Over-washing strips your locks of all of its protective oils, and because of this your body compensates, by actually producing additional oil.  Each time you wash your tresses, the more oils your scalp produces.  Therefore, instead of daily washing go every other day.  And if you are currently going every other day, try every third day for a while.  Over time, you’ll be able to go to washing your hair twice weekly.

BB Bit 2: Factors. Although the above is true, hormones, styling products, and nutrition can also play a part. With food, I always go by this rule; we are what we eat.

BB Bit 3: A tip to brush against. Brushing your hair helps distribute sebum (the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands, whose ducts open into the hair follicles, lubricating the skin and hair). Hence, if you are one of those that have to regularly brush your hair, you are causing the sebum gland to excrete more oils onto your scalp, causing your hair to become oily quicker.

BB Bit 4: Products to Help...

  • Tea tree oil works great. Bumble and Bumble has some great products.  I love their Tonic.  It a is spray for your hair that has a blend of herbs, vitamins and Tea Tree oil.
  • Dry Shampoos can give you an extra day; my favorite is Klorane
  • Use a shampoo that doesn’t create a lot of suds. Tons of lathering suds are worse for your hair. As these shampoos more than likely have tons of moisturizers in them.  Instead, choose a Sulfate-free product, as these types leave these build-up in hair.

So there you have it another Tuesday tip. Also, make sure to stay tuned as I will be sharing with you some Pantry to Pretty tips on how to make your own dry shampoo.

Have any tips on keeping your hair oil free, let us know.  

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