Great looking hair is one thing as women we are always trying to achieve, right ladies? But what can we do to pull this off everyday? Well, fret no more beauties as I’m here to share my top 50 plus hair hacks you MUST know about! And I must admit, they’re hairtastic!
10 Tips To Prevent Your Hair From Being Used & Abused.
Hair today gone tomorrow is unfortunately possible, don't let this happen to you, because if you don’t take care of your hair today, IT CAN be gone tomorrow.
4 Ways To Repair And Restore Damaged Hair.
From perms in the 80’s to an ombre style most recently, my hair has been through a lot. My secret has always been to use great products to repair, restore and maintain healthy hair! But what happens if that is not your truth, but instead your color treatments, hair dryer and curling irons have left your hair drab and lifeless? Well, know worries as now you can have the hair all envy!
Reverse Hair Washing.
Have we been washing our hair wrong all along? Find out if reverse hair washing can work for you!
7 Tips To Make Your Hair Appear Thicker.
As we get older the appearance of our hair changes. It gets dryer, turns grays and worse, thinner. On average, we lose about 50-100 hairs daily, seems like a lot doesn't it? However, if this is happening while we are growing the hair back it's OK. But, what if you aren't? Especially, if you are a female thinning hair can be devastating, but not anymore! Check out these tips to help your hair appear thicker or even become thicker over time.
No More Oily Hair!
Here are 4 ways to help you to Stop Stressing Over Oily Hair.
Tips To Selecting The Perfect Hair Color & Maintaining It.
Whether your want to change up your look by adding some highlights, sombre or even changing your color completely, you need to have a hair checklist! So, if you want to find out how to pick the perfect hair color & maintain it, continue reading!
The Foolproof Way To Curl Your Hair: Lights, Curl, Action!
No more worries, as there is now a foolproof way to curl your hair and you don't have to be a pro to do it!
Top 10 Reasons Why Ceramic Brushes Are The Best For Your Hair.
One of the most popular hair brushes out there is the Ceramic Barrel Brush. This brush is a one stop shop! Why do I say this? Because the brush retains heat, helping to dry your hair, while curling at the same time and much more…
So there you have it beauties! 50 Plus Hair Hacks You MUST Know About! And remember...